Becoming self-aware, acquiring discipline, and being aware of what you are doing with your money are prerequisites for healing. Learning these skills and practices enables you to make decisions from a more balanced place.
When we get clear on what we want, the universe brings opportunity to you.
Heal your relationship with yourself. You have to become self-aware, you have to become disciplined. You must have a vision for your life.
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This year has been tremendous for Making Money Your Honey, doubling our income in the past year. I’ve been hiring contractors to do part of the work for me; however, I came to the realization that if I’m going to be a leader, I need to lean into my leadership role and become a leader in my organization.
Why? I didn’t start a company just to have a job. I had an idea, and I wanted my idea to grow and blossom into something big - bigger than myself. I want to help thousands of people, and I realized this wasn’t going to happen if I didn’t let go of being a micromanager and give others ownership in my game.
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I’m going to give you my story about how I went from completely disbelieving the Fire Movement to finding my niche inside this community.
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Followers are always asking me if conferences are worth their time, can you make good connections at conferences and can you make money at conferences? Well, yes you can do all three at conferences, even without a booth!
How can you create connections and contacts at conferences without a booth? I dive into the magic of networking, what you absolutely must AVOID at a conference if you are looking to make money and what you where you want to focus your time while there.
Listen in to find out:
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