Are you afraid of sales? Then I hope this story helps you.
Want to run a business you can run from anywhere in the world? Click here to check out our Overwhelm to Abundance Masterclass.
I've been getting a lot of questions from both Americans and Mexicans (and everyone in between!) about the differences between living in Mexico versus the US. In this episode, I share my perspective after being in Mexico for a month.
Want to run a business that you can run from anywhere? Check out our Overwhelm to Abundance Masterclass:
Curious about living in other countries? Check out our series on living as an expat in Mexico.
Want to learn how to run a business you can run from anywhere in the world? Check out our Overwhelm to Abundance Masterclass:
Hello from Guadalajara, Mexico! In case you missed it, we manifested a huge HOUSE in Mexico in 24 hours. It's an epic story full of twists, turns and shifting the entire universe. Listen in to hear the story!
Check out our Overwhelm to Abundance Masterclass: