Michael Anthony talks about how to commit to business success when you’re an entrepreneur. We also chat about his new book, Unbroken. Michael and I met at the 10 X sales execution workshop in Miami a few weeks ago at Grant Cardone's office. He's genuinely a good and real expert on finances. Michael enjoys knocking down the walls of financial challenges and helping people understand what it means to step into entrepreneurship and business owners in life. Michael shares his financial wisdom with us; you'll love what he has to say, so read on!
Meet Michael Anthony
Michael landed a job with a Fortune 10 company with no high school education. They handed him his high school diploma. His first paycheck was for $10,000. Fast forward several years, he's built his second legal business. Several years later, he found himself at 350 pounds and smoking two packs of cigarettes a day and drinking. "I put a gun in my mouth because I didn't understand the impact of the abuse that I went through."
Even though there's been so much chaos in his life, he’s also experienced good things, which leads to his why. “What I do now is about impacting people's lives, helping them understand that they can be the hero of their own story.”
Michael’s Money Mindset
Although you can use the money to serve yourself and others, you also want to be safe and protect yourself by having a cushion of savings in the bank. Outside of your expenses, use your "extra" money that is prime for investing. “You take your resources and invest in yourself and you’ll never lose.” Michael invests more money in himself than those who have Ivy League degrees. He understands the value of reciprocity with spending money and bets on himself first.
Listen in to find out Michael’s amazing backstory, how he restructured his money mindset and how he uses his trauma to help others. In addition, you’ll learn:
For more information, visit the show notes at https://www.amandaabella.com/think-unbroken-with-michael-anthony